Of course they do! Cancer treatment is a business after all!
Please bear with me for this post. It's going to be bitter. No apologies. I saw a report on Oncology Marketing and it is beyond outrageous. This is one of those times that I wish I had more followers, a bigger voice, and a way to fight back. Coincidentally, I was watching a countdown earlier of influential girls in music and I was ranting about how they use their voices for ridiculousness and how disgusting it is. If you're in a position to be a role model, BE A ROLE MODEL. Why, if you have been blessed with having a voice that matters, would you waste it on how hard you party when there are real issues and voiceless people that depend on you?
I digress.
Please allow me to share with you some excerpts from the marketing report. I'll post it in its entirety at the end of this post.
"However, as cancer treatment becomes increasingly personalized, one problem is becoming frustratingly common: cancer cells can often build up resistance."
In my words: The 'treatments' are essentially creating stronger, more resilient cancer cells. That's good news for the drug companies profiting off of the development and sales of treatments and eventually, the newer stronger treatments that will be necessary as a result of the current ones.
"On the business front, the big trend has been increased provider-side consolidation and other changes in the business model. With cancer care migrating from the community-based setting to large centers, due to burgeoning administrative requirements, community oncology practices are finding it harder to survive independently.
These large cancer systems are growing, boosting their ability to influence the behaviors of network physicians by institutionalizing treatment protocols and pathways. Said Vedarajan, 'The consolidation will result in fewer and more-integrated care settings. There will be more institutional policies and oversight of care.'"
"OVERSIGHT OF CARE" In my words: Policies will be implemented to streamline the cancer care process. That sounds great until you see that oversight of care is seen as a positive effect since the 'oversights' will be in the business's favor, not in favor of the patient. We're not supposed to realize that a one-size-fits-all approach probably won't work. We're not supposed to realize that lives are being extended marginally, without regard to quality of life. We're not supposed to realize how much it costs.
“Companies need to see payers as at least as important a customer as physicians; and increasingly need to make a case, through outcomes and pharmacoeconomic data, that spending X amount on a therapy for Y months of survival benefit is compelling”
In my words: Payers ("broadly described as any entity that takes financial risk") are important customers, but not as important as the physician entrusted with looking out for the life and best interest of the patient. We trust Doctors with the most valuable thing we have - our lives - and money is the motivation of the people they trust who influence their decisions. (Or at least I hope they trust the people they've essentially placed our lives in the hands of when they promote their medicines.)
Also, that quote says "months of survival benefit", not survival. That sentence is a really long way of saying "Make them see that value of what we're charging in relation to how many more months they'll live as a result." When one hears "How much is your life worth to you?" how could one say no to any measure, regardless of cost?
"Brand narratives are shaped well before FDA approval."
In my words: Trust FDA approval at your own risk. I don't. That's another topic, though. If you haven't already, research GMO's, food labeling, and the president of the FDA and see for yourself if the FDA has the consumer's well-being as its motivation.
Nevertheless, patients are scarce but empowered, so the success of trials—especially small trials of biomarker-expressing patient subsets—depends on their interest and participation. Grassroots outreach/advocacy and unbranded/non-promotional disease education can help stimulate their involvement.
The reason why the pre-commercialization process is often the ideal time to engage the patient is that it helps manufacturers build a deep understanding of the patient’s journey from the get-go, with an emphasis on needs identification. This understanding can drive not only the design of clinical trials and trial endpoints, but also more meaningful communications.
“Understanding the patient’s experience and the journey informs how you have conversations with patients and their caretakers; with physicians; with payers and with policy makers."
Partnering is one way to forge early bonds. “Patient advocacy groups can be great allies in the early stages
clinical trials—pre-commercial—in both helping to participate in that conversation about what is valuable, and in getting the word out about the potential value of it.”
In my words: Maybe I'm reading too deeply into this one but it seems like the message is to be with the patients from the beginning, partially in an effort to shape the ideas and information from the start, even before there is a specific drug to be sold.
“A lot of the progress we’ve made has resulted in a slowing of the progression vs. outright cure..."
I need someone to explain this to me because the way I'm reading it, this is the most disgusting sentence in the whole ebook and I sincerely hope I am misinterpreting it.
For the full report, http://media.mmm-online.com/documents/63/oncology_ebook_pdf2_15604.pdf
In short, all I'm seeing is sneaky manipulation and corruption of the misnomered "healthcare" system without regard for life.
What is there to gain from this cycle of keeping people alive, medicated, but not well other than money?
As much as the notion scares me, maybe it is time for a revolution. Our system has become so bastardized into a playground for the rich that money is the only thing of value and the only motivation for anything. When did people become valueless?
Thanks for making it to the end of this post with me. I am certainly
open to feedback, including opposing views, as long as they're respectful.
I genuinely hope I am wrong.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Let's Start a Revolution
Hey You,
Yeah, you. You, with the big heart. Or brain. Or wallet. Or
voice. Or all of the above. Or even just some of the above. I’m talking to you.
I have a proposition for you.
I have no idea if it will work.
So let’s call it an experiment.
An experiment of hope.
An experiment of help. An
experiment of progress.
What do I want, you ask?
Right now, I humbly request some of your time and attention.
You don’t owe it to me. In fact, you don’t owe me anything.
You know nothing about me.
Well, please allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Chrissy and I’m 23 years old. I’m married to an
amazing man, live with my gracious parents, and currently have 2 ½ jobs. I
haven’t always been so blessed in the employment department though. In spite of
having 9 majors and an Associate Degree in marketing, I was unemployed for
almost a year before I upgraded to the ‘working poor’ status I currently boast.
This is not a sob story. Nor is this a plea for attention or
pity. Like I mentioned, it’s an experiment.
My lack of employment allowed me a lot of free time. In that
time, I came up with a revolutionary idea for helping our homeless problem here
in the United States. I won’t get into the statistics because we know how many
people are struggling right now.
What you may not know is the effects it can have on a
person. I’m not talking about the obvious ones like being forced to live on the
streets with no protection, warmth, or comfort. I mean the mental effects of
not having a place to call home. They are immeasurable and far more
long-lasting than the physical effects.
My proposal will not change things overnight. If successful,
it will merely serve as a model for cities to adopt nationwide.
My plan will rely heavily upon donations, not just monetary
but time, wisdom, furniture, food, and heart.
If you’re still with me, I’ll give you a brief overview of
my vision…
Picture it: USA, 2014.
You drive up to an acre of land with 10 tiny houses. Each of
them has a fenced in backyard and rocking chairs on the porch. Some of them are
painted conservatively. Some of them are painted with wild and bright colors. Some
have kids playing in the back yard. Some have animals. Some have both. Upon further
investigation, you see these tiny houses are powered by solar power and there
seems to be a rainwater collection system in place in the side of each yard.
Behind the rows of houses, you see a huge building. The sign
in front says “Community Center” and welcome residents and visitors alike.
Inside, there is lobby and a long hallway. As you enter the hallway, you see an
open computer lab available to residents for both job searches and personal
use. Across the hall, there is a laundry room. You keep walking and come across
two more large classrooms that will be used to teach people how to manage
money, create resumes, and many other basic life skills to the residents as
well and the general public. Lastly, there is a huge recreation room ready to
host events that will promote support and fellowship within the community.
You follow the sidewalk to the back of the building, walk
past the large shelter with the huge grill and picnic tables, then discover an
even larger building. This one is for storage. It stores furniture, clothes,
toys, cribs, blankets, building supplies, and anything one would use on a daily
basis that people have been kind enough to donate.
You run into the operator working hard here and she takes a
break to explain how it works.
“This is considered transitional housing. Everything is
self-maintained down to our compost toilets so once the houses are built, there
are no long-term bills such as electricity or water. People can stay here as
long as they have proof that they are actively seeking employment. Once they
are employed, they can continue to live here for up to a year for free to save
money to get (re)established in a safe and supportive environment. We want this
to feel like home and give them a sense of independence and security. However,
this is just a means to an end, not a permanent solution. We just strive to make sure our residents won’t
be back on the streets. They must submit to drug tests at our discretion since
nothing that will hinder anyone from getting or keeping a job is allowed. The
whole point of this place is to provide an opportunity
to improve and a chance for people to (re)gain their independence. Once that
opportunity has been declined, it is grounds for dismissal. If they can adhere
to our simple policies, they’re welcome as long as we have room.”
You’re so stunned by the brilliance and simplicity of it all
that you’re speechless. After this brief but powerful talk, you leave with a
tear in your eye and the urge to write a check. A big one. Or clean out your
closet. It’s long overdue anyway.
…And, we’re back. Thanks for taking that short journey with
Seriously though, I would love to make this happen and I
need your help to do it. Please send back your thoughts, ideas, opinions,
suggestions, and questions and I will gladly get back to you really, really
Like I said, I have no idea if this will work.
But I’d like the opportunity
to try.
Thanks SO MUCH for your time and consideration.
To view the proposed floorplan for this idea, please visit:
Due to potential disabilities and limitations, I propose using the one-bedroom version for ease of access and usability. The loft can be used for storage or a children’s bedroom.
Due to potential disabilities and limitations, I propose using the one-bedroom version for ease of access and usability. The loft can be used for storage or a children’s bedroom.
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Friday, February 24, 2012
"If it sounds too good to be true..."
Apparently, that saying applies to the job world now, too.
I just wanted to share with you a scam that recently targeted me in hopes that the people behind it aren't actually successful with it.
It started with an email that looked legit (other than the email address it came from - red flag!).
They used CareerBuilder's name in the message subject and a knockoff logo even though there was no correlation between the company and the website. (I have a resume posted so I'm sure that's why. It's easy to scam people when they use a trusted source to build credibility. Too bad it potentially ruins their reputation in the process. Legitimate emails from CareerBuilder end in @Site.CareerBuilder.com.)
This is the email:
Red flag: the company name is NEVER mentioned. So I emailed them. (Another red flag: gmx.com is a free email hosting website like hotmail. How often do you see reputable companies that don't have their name in their email address? Their need for such extreme anonymity is a huge sign to stay away!)
The reply came from a totally NEW email address (but the subject had "Re:" as if it were a direct reply. Most legitimate replies are "RE:" meaning it was manually typed incorrectly.)
Here is their reply.
First of all, "Chrissy" isn't my legal name. I have never in my life used it from the first point of contact professionally. Secondly, (but not as importantly) how did they find me from California?
The website listed in his signature is "BUY-COMP.COM" so I visited there first. It looks legit and has the Better Business Bureau seal so I'm not sure if it's even actually related.
I clicked on the link to go to the application...
If this company found me through CareerBuilder, WHY is it sending me to a site I've never heard of to enter my information?
...and waited for my antivirus software to spaz. No phishing scam, whew! The site it leads you to has two options and no job description or company info: "Upload Resume" or "Create Resume". FISHY! So, I clicked on the link that said job search. It's a dead link that doesn't lead anywhere. I erased all of the link until it just had the original home page link and tried the links that way. NONE OF THEM WORKED! The whole website is a trick to get your personal information. They did an excellent job of making it look legitimate. There is even a job search box. It doesn't work but at first glance, it is pretty convincing.
(I definitely do NOT recommend clicking on links you're unfamiliar with because just clicking on a link allows nasty viruses to attack your computer.)
3D Computer Supply is also listed as a business so I looked that up. Nothing related to an actual company comes up... until you add "scam" to your search.
Ripoff Report (CareerBuilder actually responded to this report!)
Better Business Bureau (BBB states this company is NOT Accredited.)
These websites are a wonderful tool to help protect yourself so definitely utilize them!
Since he requested a reply "ASAP", I was a little bit nasty and sent back a short reply:
The 'application' website is bogus which made me do a little research.
Luckily, I've got enough computer knowledge to see some of the red flags of a scam. If you are ever unsure, by all means, send me a message and I'll do my best to help you guys out. Call me naive but I hate to see people taken advantage of, especially when so many are already struggling.
The moral of the story is use caution when applying for jobs online and posting your information. More and more companies require you to have a strong online presence which makes it easy to be a target. Please be careful! Most companies do not contact you first but if they do, research as much as you can.
Good luck everyone!

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I just wanted to share with you a scam that recently targeted me in hopes that the people behind it aren't actually successful with it.
It started with an email that looked legit (other than the email address it came from - red flag!).
They used CareerBuilder's name in the message subject and a knockoff logo even though there was no correlation between the company and the website. (I have a resume posted so I'm sure that's why. It's easy to scam people when they use a trusted source to build credibility. Too bad it potentially ruins their reputation in the process. Legitimate emails from CareerBuilder end in @Site.CareerBuilder.com.)
This is the email:
Job Snapshot | |
Employee Type: | Home-Based |
Industry: | Customer Care |
Manages Others: | No |
Job Type: | Part-time |
Experience: | Not Specified |
Base Pay: | Salary rate + commissions |
Relocation: | United States |
Posted: | 2/20/2012 |
Ref ID: | BFB - 1329771840 |
We are looking for an energetic, enthusiastic Courier/Sales Asst. to join our team!!
Duties include:
* stay at home 9am to 4 pm to receive deliveries of orders
* prepare the orders for shipment
* ship the packages from the nearest P.O. or request a pickup
* stay at home 9am to 4 pm to receive deliveries of orders
* prepare the orders for shipment
* ship the packages from the nearest P.O. or request a pickup
Successful candidate must have:
* communication skills written and oral
* Able to build strong relationships and influence decision makers
* Computer proficient Microsoft Office Suite
* communication skills written and oral
* Able to build strong relationships and influence decision makers
* Computer proficient Microsoft Office Suite
This is a salary position.Starting salary is $30k year plus benefits health, dental, vacation, commission and paid expenses.
Due to the number of anticipated resumes for this position, we will only be able to respond to those individuals we intend to interview. Thank you for applying!
POSITION NAME: Courier/Sales Asst.
HOURS: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri Full-Time Telecommute
SALARY: 28'000 - 32'000 per year
HOURS: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri Full-Time Telecommute
SALARY: 28'000 - 32'000 per year
If you are interested and would like to apply for this position, email us your resume and your possible questions at csa-job@gmx.com
Red flag: the company name is NEVER mentioned. So I emailed them. (Another red flag: gmx.com is a free email hosting website like hotmail. How often do you see reputable companies that don't have their name in their email address? Their need for such extreme anonymity is a huge sign to stay away!)
The reply came from a totally NEW email address (but the subject had "Re:" as if it were a direct reply. Most legitimate replies are "RE:" meaning it was manually typed incorrectly.)
Here is their reply.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Dear Chrissy, My name is Steven Murphy. I am a representative of the HR Dept. at 3D Computer Supply. Our company provides customers worldwide with best products at best prices. Our goal is provision of the best quality goods and logistics service to our clients worldwide. Our clients take advantage of receiving products on time and at best price ever. In case you are interested in the description of the company, also have a look at the description of the position we offer. Attached is a job brochure. If you feel this job might work for you, please fill out the online application form: http://www.staffing-company.net/?p=Q291cmllci9TYWxlcyBBc3Npc3RhbnRfY29tcF8xNQ==
In case you are selected we will provide you with a contract and full information on how to start working with us. We are looking forward to getting your response ASAP!
Sincerely Yours
Steven Murphy
Email: hr@buy-comp.com
Phone: 1.800.763.3919 ext 32
147 East Vine Street Redlands, CA 92374
First of all, "Chrissy" isn't my legal name. I have never in my life used it from the first point of contact professionally. Secondly, (but not as importantly) how did they find me from California?
The website listed in his signature is "BUY-COMP.COM" so I visited there first. It looks legit and has the Better Business Bureau seal so I'm not sure if it's even actually related.
I clicked on the link to go to the application...
If this company found me through CareerBuilder, WHY is it sending me to a site I've never heard of to enter my information?
...and waited for my antivirus software to spaz. No phishing scam, whew! The site it leads you to has two options and no job description or company info: "Upload Resume" or "Create Resume". FISHY! So, I clicked on the link that said job search. It's a dead link that doesn't lead anywhere. I erased all of the link until it just had the original home page link and tried the links that way. NONE OF THEM WORKED! The whole website is a trick to get your personal information. They did an excellent job of making it look legitimate. There is even a job search box. It doesn't work but at first glance, it is pretty convincing.
(I definitely do NOT recommend clicking on links you're unfamiliar with because just clicking on a link allows nasty viruses to attack your computer.)
3D Computer Supply is also listed as a business so I looked that up. Nothing related to an actual company comes up... until you add "scam" to your search.
Ripoff Report (CareerBuilder actually responded to this report!)
Better Business Bureau (BBB states this company is NOT Accredited.)
These websites are a wonderful tool to help protect yourself so definitely utilize them!
Since he requested a reply "ASAP", I was a little bit nasty and sent back a short reply:
The 'application' website is bogus which made me do a little research.
I'm hoping you grow a conscience.
Good day.
Luckily, I've got enough computer knowledge to see some of the red flags of a scam. If you are ever unsure, by all means, send me a message and I'll do my best to help you guys out. Call me naive but I hate to see people taken advantage of, especially when so many are already struggling.
The moral of the story is use caution when applying for jobs online and posting your information. More and more companies require you to have a strong online presence which makes it easy to be a target. Please be careful! Most companies do not contact you first but if they do, research as much as you can.
Good luck everyone!
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Monday, February 20, 2012
GoodSearch, GoodShop, & GoodDining
I stumbled upon the greatest website tonight.
What is your favorite charity?
Want to help them earn money by doing what you already do now?
All you have to do is search the Internet, shop online, and eat out.
For real.
I've already signed up for GoodSearch, made the search engine my home page, and added the search bar at the top of this page - super easy installation, BTW. (The local food bank was my charity of choice.)There is also a section within GoodSearch called GoodShop. They offer coupons and a percentage of your online purchase benefits your chosen charity at no additional charge to you. Say whaaaat?
I started to sign up for the GoodDining. Unfortunately, no restaurants in my area are affiliates just yet. (I e-mailed the company though and asked if I could try to help change that. I'll keep you guys updated if I hear anything back.) I highly encourage you to find out if it is offered in your area and sign up. Again, it's no charge to you and a donation is made simply for eating out - no cooking and you're giving back!
I am SUPER excited about this opportunity to make a difference. It's minimal effort and you're helping. Does it get any better than that?
So, who are you going to support?
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Thursday, January 19, 2012
Why Can't I Add Glitter to My Resume?
I'm still trying to find a job. I've applied for two that I really had my heart set on. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Wait, they didn't see the value in hiring bubbly and smiley, yet still professional and capable you?" Shocking and appalling, I know.
The thing that bothers me most is that I haven't even been able to get an actual interview. I really want to follow up and ask the hiring managers what they're looking for in a potential employee.
I've got a degree.
Granted, it's not a bachelor's or higher but I worked hard for that thing just fighting to get the classes I needed! (Working to get that seemingly meaningless paper made me cry more than the cancellation of Girlmore Girls!)
I've got more than three years of experience in customer service and commissioned sales.
I built a customer base that loved me and still ask about me. I didn't steal sales from other employees OR money from the company. That should show company loyalty, too! (I never had my business card burning ceremony like I wanted!)
I exceeded my sales goals.
No, I can't give you numbers. I'm pretty sure that's confidential. I also can't give examples like "raised revenue by 10% while motivating my coworkers to do the same" It was part-time retail. (If you think that point needs further explanation, you haven't worked part-time retail and wouldn't understand anyway, sorry!) We ran on a gain over the previous year in our department. Did I have something to do with that? I'd like to think so but again, our numbers were confidential.
I can get along with anyone.
The person that I liked the least in the department (because I thought she was stealing sales and therefore part of my paycheck) was the person that gave me one of the references that got me my seasonal job. That is pretty impressive, right?
I've got extra Certificates from the Small Business Administration.
You can't tell me the knowledge that I've gained from courses such as Crime Prevention: A Guide for Small Businesses, Introduction to Accounting, or Technology 101: A Small Business Guide isn't beneficial!
I go out of my way to help people.
Okay, so I don't have "pays for gas for random strangers instead of supporting their potential habit" or "loans cell phone to people unsuccessfully trying to use a payphone" on my resume. Do you?
I know how to add and subtract.
This is useful when working with cash and I'm always surprised by how much of a dying art it seems to be. I can also use "your" and "you're" properly without being a complete snob about it (most of the time).
I can spell and choose to do so correctly.
In one of my college classes, we heard about one of the marketing professionals for said college who intentionally misspelled words to see if people were paying attention based on the feedback from the errors. I don't see how that could be an accurate depiction (or look very professional when trying to promote a college.)
I know how to be (and look) professional.
...and that you're not legally allowed to ask about potential plans to have babies during an interview. (Plus, my hair isn't blue!)
So, I'm doing the best thing I can think of short of actually calling these companies one by one and asking them directly: reading articles on how to improve your resume.
Unfortunately, the first thing I came across has me a little apprehensive.
10 Resume Red Flags:
1.) It's Covered in Glitter - Literally
I guess that means camping out in front of a potential job with this sign and refusing to leave until I'm hired would be a bad idea, too?
*sigh* Maybe I'm not cut out for the business world after all...
P.S. If my ramblings related to unemployment didn't entertain you, maybe this will!

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The thing that bothers me most is that I haven't even been able to get an actual interview. I really want to follow up and ask the hiring managers what they're looking for in a potential employee.
I've got a degree.
Granted, it's not a bachelor's or higher but I worked hard for that thing just fighting to get the classes I needed! (Working to get that seemingly meaningless paper made me cry more than the cancellation of Girlmore Girls!)
I've got more than three years of experience in customer service and commissioned sales.
I built a customer base that loved me and still ask about me. I didn't steal sales from other employees OR money from the company. That should show company loyalty, too! (I never had my business card burning ceremony like I wanted!)
I exceeded my sales goals.
No, I can't give you numbers. I'm pretty sure that's confidential. I also can't give examples like "raised revenue by 10% while motivating my coworkers to do the same" It was part-time retail. (If you think that point needs further explanation, you haven't worked part-time retail and wouldn't understand anyway, sorry!) We ran on a gain over the previous year in our department. Did I have something to do with that? I'd like to think so but again, our numbers were confidential.
I can get along with anyone.
The person that I liked the least in the department (because I thought she was stealing sales and therefore part of my paycheck) was the person that gave me one of the references that got me my seasonal job. That is pretty impressive, right?
I've got extra Certificates from the Small Business Administration.
You can't tell me the knowledge that I've gained from courses such as Crime Prevention: A Guide for Small Businesses, Introduction to Accounting, or Technology 101: A Small Business Guide isn't beneficial!
I go out of my way to help people.
Okay, so I don't have "pays for gas for random strangers instead of supporting their potential habit" or "loans cell phone to people unsuccessfully trying to use a payphone" on my resume. Do you?
I know how to add and subtract.
This is useful when working with cash and I'm always surprised by how much of a dying art it seems to be. I can also use "your" and "you're" properly without being a complete snob about it (most of the time).
I can spell and choose to do so correctly.
In one of my college classes, we heard about one of the marketing professionals for said college who intentionally misspelled words to see if people were paying attention based on the feedback from the errors. I don't see how that could be an accurate depiction (or look very professional when trying to promote a college.)
I know how to be (and look) professional.
...and that you're not legally allowed to ask about potential plans to have babies during an interview. (Plus, my hair isn't blue!)
So, I'm doing the best thing I can think of short of actually calling these companies one by one and asking them directly: reading articles on how to improve your resume.
Unfortunately, the first thing I came across has me a little apprehensive.
10 Resume Red Flags:
1.) It's Covered in Glitter - Literally
I can't use glitter on my resume to give it that extra sparkle and shine? That's like telling me adding smiley faces would be frowned upon... What kind of company wouldn't want their employees to be smiley and happy?!I guess that means camping out in front of a potential job with this sign and refusing to leave until I'm hired would be a bad idea, too?
*sigh* Maybe I'm not cut out for the business world after all...
P.S. If my ramblings related to unemployment didn't entertain you, maybe this will!
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